Join the definitive review of European competition law in London.
Analyse the role of competition law in the current geopolitical climate, and share practical strategies with your peers.
Now in its 34th year.
Regulators, in-house counsel & leading competition lawyers already confirmed for 2025:
Join the most eminent speakers and practitioners for in-depth presentations, interactive panels and Q&As. Take advantage of their expert knowledge, and learn how you can apply their experiences to your own practice and business.
Analyse the role of competition law in the current geopolitical climate:
Your A-Z of Competition Law in a Changing World
From Articles 101 (including atypical cartels) & 102, mergers, vertical restraints and private enforcement through to digital markets, AI and procedural considerations, we have you covered.
Join us for 2 days of in-depth analysis of all the recent policy developments, decisions and investigations. Our eminent speakers from across the competition law world will draw out the practical implications of the latest cases to ensure that you are fully equipped to address current challenges.
360 Degree Perspective from Top Legal Minds
Hear from across the competition law world to gain a full perspective on every aspect.
Our speaker faculty includes: representatives from the European Commission & national competition authorities, policymakers, judges, in-house counsel from major corporations, eminent academics, leading private practice lawyers involved in ground-breaking cases and competition economists.
Meet the Competition Law Community
Meet over 150 attendees from across the UK and European competition law community.
Join the new Interactive Sectoral Roundtables: to meet with your peers from across key sectors to discuss current challenges and strategies to overcome them.
Then, catch up with old peers and make new connections during the informal drinks reception at the end of Day 1.
Covering all 'must-know' and emerging topics:
A View from the Commission
Cross-Border Alignment in Competition Policy
Major Events and Policy Issues
Regulators' Roundtable
Article 102
Digital Markets: DMA & DMCC
AI: What are the Competition Law Risks?
A View from the CMA
Merger Control
Uncertainty in Multijurisdictional Transactions
What’s New in Cartels?
HR & Antitrust
Collective Actions & Other Developments in Private Enforcement
Vertical Restraints
Legal Professional Discipline Considerations
Plus, new interactive sectoral roundtables!
An opportunity to meet and learn from your peers across key sectors. Join 1 of the 6 themed roundtables to discuss what matters to you:
Digital & AI
Retail/Consumer Goods
Financial Services
Connect with the competition law community
Join us at the end of Day 1, Wednesday 14 May for a drinks reception to catch up with your peers and make new connections in an informal setting.

CompLaw: Advanced EU, London conference in numbers
Years as the leading review of competition law
Commission, Authorities, In-house Counsel, Private-Practice Lawyers and Economists - under one roof
In-house counsel and regulator attendees

CPD Certification - 12 CPD Hours Available
Attendance at this conference may be used to claim CPD from your professional body. The number of hours, or points may vary from body to body. Upon request, we will supply you with a certificate of attendance to facilitate your CPD submission with your professional membership organisation.

Interested in getting involved?
Get in touch with us today to discuss a sponsorship and exhibition package that can help you demonstrate your knowledge and expertise, generate leads and put your brand in the spotlight.
Contact Enes Duzen on +44 (0) 20 8052 0469 or e-mail