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May 21-23, 2024
Marriott Marquis San FranciscoSan Francisco, CA

The future of finance is digital.

At Finovate, we’ve always believed that widespread adoption of digital banking and financial solutions is inevitable. The technologies and innovations that we’ve seen coming out of the fintech ecosystem are too helpful, efficient, and profitable to be ignored. Since our first show in 2007, it’s been clear to us that the way we interact with our money is shifting, and that digital solutions would forever change the industry.

What we couldn’t have foreseen, of course, is a seismic event like COVID-19. While a digital future always appeared inescapable, the way that this particular situation has accelerated (or in some cases mandated) digital adoption has been just as much of a surprise to us as it has been to the rest of the industry. In just a few short months, the entire landscape has shifted dramatically, and like all of you, we’ve been watching the situation unfold with equal parts trepidation and hope.

It’s also clear that the events industry has been forever altered. Just like the innovators, bankers, venture capitalists, and industry experts who make up our audiences, we find ourselves in uncharted territory as we are forced to adapt to a new reality. For years at our events the speakers we’ve put on stage have told you to question the status quo, embrace new, digital solutions, and expect change. Now, we are using that same fundamental advice to guide ourselves.

You may have already seen that we’ve gone completely digital for all of the events on our calendar through the end of 2020. While we’re being forced into that decision by current events, we don’t ever expect the industry to completely return to where it was a year ago. This isn’t a temporary shift; this is a first step towards a new future, and we’re taking the transition very seriously. We had already been working on making our events more digitally accessible, and in the past three months, we’ve spent massive amounts of time vetting and comparing dozens of new solutions. We’re confident that we’ll be able to deliver a strong digital experience at both FinovateFall and FinovateWest that gives tangible ROI to everyone involved. That is why I’m confident making a pledge today that Finovate will never run an offline-only event again.

Don’t get me wrong, we eagerly look forward to the day that we can host a large, in-person gathering again. There’s nothing quite like the organic networking that comes from mingling with peers. But when that day comes (and it will come), it won’t change our commitment to ensure our events are accessible digitally to attendees all over the world. A digital complement to our physical events will allow us to expand the reach of our events, reduce barriers to entry, and keep the events accessible no matter what the future holds. Technological advancements in streaming, remote networking, and online audience interaction are opening new doors to us, and we are excited to embrace them.

At its core, Finovate is built around three basic goals: finding new ideas, seeing new innovations, and connecting with people who can move you forward. That core isn’t changing. We, like you, are simply bringing it into the new, more connected world in which we all live.

The future of finance is digital. And the future of Finovate is too.


Greg Palmer | VP, Finovate