Zephyr Financial Solutions

A Celebrated SMA Database

PSN, renowned and celebrated for its extensive financial data bases and specialized focus on separately managed accounts (SMAs), stands out as a comprehensive platform for investment research and wealth management data. The platform, founded in 1984, seamlessly integrates both quantitative and qualitative aspects, providing valuable insights into SMA investments. Read more below!

Leverage SMA Data Effectively

PSN's strengths lie in its rich dataset, encompassing information from more than 2,800 firms and counting. Learn more about manager registration here. This includes vital details such as asset breakdowns, compliance records, key personnel information, benchmark portfolios, historical financial data and ownership diversity. The platform's extensive data sets encompassing separately managed accounts provide managers with a more holistic view of not only the current market landscape but the future as well, incorporating stock research, stock market analysis, and a diverse range of financial products.

Investment managers benefit from the ability to customize feeds, enabling tailored comparisons and analyses within over 285 comparative universe peer groups. This flexibility extends to various universe types, including holdings-based and returns-based, allowing for personalized investment analytics and the incorporation of individual preferences into the manager comparison process, further enhanced by quarterly PSN Top Guns.

The depth of PSN's data is reflected in its coverage of over 21,000 products, offering insights into asset breakdowns, style categorization, ESG considerations, fee structures, GIC sectors, and complete holdings information. As one of the best databases for financial data, PSN ensures a comprehensive understanding of the financial market.

PSN's commitment to data accuracy is evident in its continuous updates, verification processes and daily data refreshes across 285 universes. Unlike other platforms, PSN includes information on inactive firms and products, providing a more accurate representation of the market landscape as a whole.

The platform's historical data, dating back to 1984, adds depth to historical financial data, allowing subscribers to analyze trends and patterns over nearly 40 years. This includes net and gross-of-fee returns, contributing to the richness of the historical dataset and making PSN a trusted source for financial analytics.

PSN is and will continue to be a leader, providing a dynamic and comprehensive platform, offering a wealth of insights into financial data and investment research, for wealth management and financial insight. Whether users seek finance analytics, market data, or detailed historical trends, PSN proves to be an invaluable tool for navigating financial markets.

Learn how to contribute your firm’s data here

More on PSN here