Investment Analytics You Can Trust
Gain a more holistic view of your clients' investment portfolios and serve them better. Learn more about Zephyr's portfolio analytics software below.
Indepth and Easy to Use Portfolio Analytics
Asset and wealth managers like you rely on sophisticated processes to navigate market intricacies and make investment decisions. Zephyr’s Portfolio Analytics offers you a clear and comprehensive evaluation of mutual funds, ETFs, SMAs and model portfolios, providing a holistic view of your clients’ investments.
Key Features of Our Portfolio Analysis Software:
- In-Depth Exposure Analysis: Understand the detailed exposure of your investments.
- Equity Characteristics: Assess sector and regional weightings.
- Fixed Income Characteristics: Evaluate sector, regional, quality, and maturity weightings.
- Holdings Exposure: Gain insights into specific holdings.
- Region and Country Exposure: Analyze geographic distribution.
Leveraging Financial Analytics: You can gain a competitive edge by integrating Zephyr's portfolio analytics. Our tools allow you to leverage big data, extracting valuable insights for sound decision-making. This integration ensures you can provide clients with accurate, data-driven advice.
Customized Reporting and ESG Considerations: Zephyr’s portfolio reports and proposal generation tools offer you a concise, customizable summary of investment holdings, highlighting key metrics and performance indicators. This ensures accuracy and efficiency, enabling you to be more confident, backed by data-driven decisions. Additionally, ESG portfolio analysis helps align investments with sustainable practices, while portfolio risk analytics identify and mitigate potential risks, ensuring balanced and resilient strategies.
Comprehensive Investment Analysis: Engaging in investment portfolio analysis through asset analytics, portfolio analytics, and analytical investing provides a powerful toolkit for navigating financial markets. Zephyr’s tools help you make informed decisions, manage risks, and optimize client portfolio returns.
Research Dashboards and Performance Metrics: Create research dashboards to track investment performance. Analyze individual investments or entire portfolios using key performance and risk metrics. Easily evaluate portfolios to meet client return/risk profiles and financial planning goals. Use holdings-based analysis to assess equity performance and understand the impact of asset allocation and security selection relative to benchmarks.
Zephyr’s Portfolio Analytics empowers you to deliver personalized, insightful, and effective services, enhancing your client satisfaction and drive their financial growth.
Learn more about our portfolio analytics software here!
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